He just needs a cool henchman and sexy kept woman with a double-entendre name
Tell me Jullian Assange isn't a Bond movie villan? Read More...
The Threat Advisory System Explained
I don't remember the last time the threat level changed, but at one point the threat index was lowered to "Elevated", which I found a bit confusing. I wrote the following, lost in my unpublished items until now, which I hope explains the system more clearly:
The terror level has been lowered to elevated. It was high, which is more elevated than elevated, but high isn't as high as the highest level. The highest level is severe, which is the level that is more elevated than high, which in turn isn't the highest level, but is more elevated than elevated and guarded, which is less high than high and elevated, but more elevated than low. Less severe than severe, high, and elevated is guarded, which is higher than low but less elevated than elevated. Low is the lowest. Guarded is more severe than low, but less elevated than severe which is higher than high which is elevated more than elevated which is more elevated than guarded.
Got it?
America's least interesting climb?
Very low, it turns out. In fact, we have the lowest high point of all 50 states. Britton Hill in the Panhandle is a mere 345ft above sea level. There are 16 states -- Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming -- that have lowest points higher than that. It would take almost 10 Britton Hills stacked on top of each other to reach as high as America's highest low point, in Colorado, and almost 59 stacked to reach as high as the highest point in the US, the top of Mt. McKinley. If you stuck Britton Hill into America's lowest point at -282ft, in Death Valley, its top would reach only 63 ft above sea level.
We have buildings in this state taller. The Four Seasons Hotel in Miami is 789ft, more than twice as tall.
Notwithstanding the difficulty of finding a Sherpa in Walton County, Florida, I don't think that kid is going to have any trouble with this one.
I'm joining Ted's Band

Software Engineering...
Shipping and receiving...
On-site property management including pest control,
nighttime security, non-arboreal gardening services,
and tenant-related easements and liens...
hmmmm-MMMMM! ♫
This made my week.
I'm such a dork...
Details were available
Christopher Kelly, former chief fundraiser for ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, is dead, according to a statement Saturday from the former governor. Details were available. [...]
So... they were available, but you didn't bother to get them? Or you got them but you're not sharing? Are you still mad that I made fun of that Michael Jackson/Psychics story?
Early Attempts at Success
People always ask, “What is your greatest failure?” I always have the same answer – We’re working on it right now, it’s gonna be awesome!
Thank You, CNN
Psychics see magic in Michael Jackson's life
Highlights of the story include:
- Numerologist says Michael Jackson's numbers add up to charisma
- Paranormal professionals see Jackson as out of this world
- Psychic believes Jackson will be reincarnated within 20 years
- Loss of Jackson "creates a vacuum" psychic consultant says
I stand in awe. With insight like this, it’s easy to see why CNN gave itself the nickname “The Most Trusted Name in News”.