Track5BX is a
Dashboard Widget for
Mac OS X that helps you keep track of your
progress on the
5BX-style exercise plan from
The Hacker's Diet.
The widget tracks your current
rung on the
Introductory or
Lifetime Ladders, how many times you
have completed the exercises for each rung, and
displays a count of the number of repetitions for each
exercise at that rung. By hovering over the name of an
exercise, you can get a brief description of the
The widget supports cross-mac
Dashboard Sync via
.Mac (subscription required), so you
can keep track of your workout both on your desktop,
on your laptop on the go, etc.
With the simplicity of 5BX and having the information a key
press away, you'll always be ready for a quick workout.
No excuses!
If you like Track5BX, please make a donation. Feedback or
suggestions? See the contact link below.
Download the Track5BX